The Border – ILLEGAL Immigrants


The Law

8 U.S. Code § 1325 – Improper entry by alien

“A person is considered to have illegally entered the U.S. if they:

  • Enter at a place without immigration officers present or at a location that is not a designated point of entry
  • Enter without being examined or inspected by immigration officers
  • Enter based on false or misleading information
  • Enter while willfully concealing facts or materials

Border Encounters

1.8 Million Plus encounters 2023 YTD

This is not a new problem

“The implementation of the Attorney General’s zero-tolerance policy comes as the Department of Homeland Security reported a 203 percent increase in illegal border crossings from March 2017 to March 2018, and a 37 percent increase from February 2018 to March 2018—the largest month-to-month increase since 2011.”

Congress has Responsibility

Illegal Immigration has many costs

Fair Research

At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.

Lost of life, many Americans have been killed by illegal immigrants.  Many thousands have been killed by the smuggling of Fentanyl



Refugee Act of 1980

36-3027a“In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, the need for a change in American policy concerning refugees became apparent as hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and Cambodians fled political chaos and physical danger in their homelands. Between 1975 and 1979, some 300,000 of these refugees were able to come to the United States through Presidential action, as the law at the time restricted refugee admissions. Seeing this, many members of Congress wanted to establish a more regular system of immigration and resettlement that would establish a clear and flexible policy.”


Our government has caused a immigration crisis and need to be held accountable.   Voters need to show their disapproval at the ballot box.


 Work with Central America countries to improve their manufacturing capabilities of important products we are now receiving            from China.  Goal would be to improve working opportunities in these countries to reduce the need to flee to the US.  Improve          these countries overall economy and standard of living while reducing our dependence on China. 


1.  Announce border is closed and illegals will be prosecuted.

2.  Use US Military to prevent illegals from entering country. 

3.  Build housing – working penitentiary – complex at the border for illegals immigrants.   Illegal immigrants would spend their sentenced time working to build complex and/or wall along the Mexico United States border.  With a completed sentence and good behavior there would be a path for citizenship to the US.  Other illegals in the US would be encouraged to turn themselves in, serve their sentence and have a path to citizenship. 




Contact your Congressman and the President, let them know you are dissatisfied and action needs to be taken.







Fentanyl Polls

Should the US Military be used to close the southern border?
Do you identify as a:
2 votes