Small Voice Inside of Us

In First Things First, Stephen R. Covey tells about a talk he gave to a large group of college students on the subject of the “new morality”.  He could tell as he talked that the students disagreed with his assertion that there are principles in the this world that should be respected and adhered to, no matter who you are or how much you believe in personal freedom.

 One student presented a case and said there was no right or wrong in that situation; it was a matter of interpretation.  Not so, said Covey.  Anytime you violate a fundamental principle, there’s a price to be paid.  By the look on the students’ faces, however, Covey knew they considered him to be out of touch with present-day reality.

 “Let’s try an experiment,” Covey suggested.  “I believe that each of you knows in your heart what the truth is.  Sit quietly for one minute, listen to your heart, and ask yourself what the truth is concerning this situation.”

At the end of the minute, Covey asked the young man what he thought now.  He admitted that his heart had told him the exact opposite of what he and been saying. .Another young man admitted that he wasn’t so sure of himself anymore either.” 

There comes a time when we each need to stop listening to the crowd and pay attention to the still, small voice that speaks inside of us..



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