LSU disrespectful to National Anthem



LSU did not come out for the playing of the National Anthem, during the semi-finals or finals of the NCAA Tournament in Dallas.  This prompted me to write a letter to Coach Mulkey.


This is the letter sent

April 4rd 2023

Subject:  National Anthem

To:  Coach Kim Mulkey

LSU Athletics Administration Building

Women’s Basketball

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Coach Mulkey,

I attended the semifinals and finals of the women’s final four.  America has many rights that are dear to us, rights preserved by more than the 1 million who died fighting for our nation.  You and your team have the right not to appear during the National Anthem, however not respecting the anthem and our country brings many negative feelings and divides the country.  There were many conversations in the corridors of American Airlines Center regarding the decision not to appear.  Any message by someone that disrespects our country will not be heard by many.

The National Championship, is intended to represent the whole nation, however this trophy represents a part of a nation.  LSU is not the “National Champion” for many of us.

I have friends that do not share my political views; however we are long term friends and share the love of sports.  Once athletes and teams started being disrespectful to our Flag, Anthem and Country we have greatly reduced our time together watching sports.  Like this country we have become more divided.

To solve a division between people a common ground needs to be found to provide a foundation in which to build a better understanding and an improved relationship.   I believe this common ground can be the love of our country and the words from our founding fathers.   From Dr. Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech:

“…When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Sports, if the sports leaders choose can bring all types of people together and unite them.  The current political events are dividing our country even more.   Our Nation needs leaders like you Coach Mulkey to speak, please consider announcing that LSU Women’s Basketball will stand for our Country, Flag and Anthem next year.  You have an opportunity to be a Champion for us all.  Thank you for your consideration.


Joel A Krause


P.S.  Coach Mulkey, I am the President of Webb Electronics Ltd/Coaches Video LLC.    We invented and manufacture the Cowboy Remote which you have used at Baylor and now at LSU.

Write letters to teams to encourage them to help unite our country by honoring our Flag, Anthem and Country


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